Your plants crave Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients

Bill Muskopf, a chemist and our company founder, developed a comprehensive micronutrient foliar feed he called Spray-N-Grow.


Micronutrients are not in hydroponic solutions. Plants need them to reach their genetic potential. Just ask your friendly botanist. Because Bill started his career as an R&D chemist, he knew you would want proof, not promises.

Here are the scientifically proven results Spray-N-Grow delivers to hydroponically grown plants:
  • Increased yields
  • Earlier flower set
  • Increased flower size
  • Higher brix levels
  • Increased root mass
  • Extends shelf-life of harvested crops

Spray N Grow

Proven Research

Want to read the Spray-N-Grow research conducted by world renowned hydro expert Dr. Lynnette Morgan? Click below!

Spray-N-Grow Scientific Research

Click below to see our individual scientific studies. We think you’ll agree we prove all the promises we make.

Snow Peas